Machine Learning.
Artificial Intelligence.
Blockchain Tech.
Revolutionizing healthcare

The A-Medicare platform transforms a highly fragmented, hospital-centered healthcare delivery system into a single, universally federated, global healthcare system, by providing high-quality care by providers and delivering revolutionary smart digital solutions of micro services software, processes, and medical devices to patients at affordable or reduced costs.  

Powered By A.I.

A-Medicare enables digital transformation technologies embracing artificial intelligence and machine learning for innovative algorithms, big data for insights and outcomes, bionics and biometrics for cryptographically secure Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and blockchain technologies to secure distributed ledger technologies (DLT) transactions.

Alive In The Cloud

Our world-wide multi-region cloud infrastructures provide secure web service and smartphone portals where providers and device manufacturers are given incentives while patients, participants, and other users gain digital currency tokens to pay for their healthcare costs at a reduced price.

Perpetually Improving

A-Medicare platform will continuously and independently test; adapt and implement healthcare devices, processes, software tools, as well as newer digital emerging technologies that are known forefronts for healthcare delivery.

Technology is the future.

The future is our technology.

A-Medicare Technology Details:

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  1. Patient Data analytics for future insight

  2. Aggregate communication of monitoring devices to take more preventative measures rather than reactionary

  3. Bionic nano devices tracking daily activities and other behavioral data updated wirelessly when within range

  4. Tracking of live metabolic changes allowing for the possibility of early alert signals to prevent onset of a disease.

  5. Cybersecurity policies using blockchains, immutable ledgers, and hash techniques that comply with HIPAA and other governing bodies
  1. A federated database of localized databases, public, and private that integrates geographical regions along with local customs to gain more granular patient data. Data insights are presented on visual displays, either mounted or handheld

  2. Established and recognized as authoritative figure uniting various sectors within the healthcare industry and using that clout to drive new policies and standards

  3. Established Quick-Provider network of front line clinicians and EMTs for more immediate care.

  4. Early Warning& Tracking system for monitoring organ donors

Learn more:

The Technology
Federated Database and Blockchain
Browser & Smartphone App
Review the Healthcare Processes
High Interest Wallet

Our shared insights

In Tech & Health

Highlights from the Newsroom

You deserve a better healthcare system.

It’s time we moved towards patient-centered care and focus on prevention rather than reaction.


A-Medicare Platform provides a web services portal for healthcare providers, hospitals, independent practitioners, device manufacturers, insurers, governments, patients, and other users who are supporter of the entire healthcare industry. It is developed as a patient-centered service to manage doctor's appointments, access to medical record information or charts, choose the best and low-cost health care insurance without jeopardizing quality care, such as hospital services, surgeries, ER visits, medications, doctor specialist, and pharmacy.


It enables digital transformation technologies embracing artificial intelligence and machine learning for innovative algorithms, big data for insights and outcomes, bionics and biometrics for cryptographically secure Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and blockchain technologies to secure distributed ledger technologies (DLT) transactions.


It will use a unique Advertisement system where companies can pay to advertise their products to specific target audiences. Advertisement pop-up dialogs are triggered and presented to the web service and Smartphone clients according to the user’s likes, postings, profiles, words, phrases, health information, and the device location. These insights or outcomes, a result of custom designed machine learning algorithms that learn accurate and deep intuitive understanding of the user, are extracted from a singular data warehouse, blockchain database, and other public records.


A-Medicare's 'after-the-fact' insurance type payments absorbs the initial cost and fund a patient’s surgery procedure. A-Medicare initially fund the cost while getting funds from people like good-hearted subscribers, philanthropists, as well as users with surplus tokens wanting to share to patients. For his good Samaritan gesture, he is awarder with additional tokens.